Pretty sure I have a love/hate(but mostly hate) relationship with the "retweet" option on twitter. First off it is NOT necessary for you to RT someone just to reply to them. Is that not what the @ reply button is for? I think so. I can KIND OF understand if its something really great, funny or important but other than that it will be okay just @ reply the person. I know a lot of celebrities do it and I get that because a fan might ask a question and obviously you won't see the question unless you follow that fan so it makes sense(even if it is still pretty But if you aren't a celebrity chances are no one really cares that much. And I know what someone is thinking right now as they read this...."I follow you on twitter and you have done this before." And you know what? You are probably right but like I said it is NOT necessary to do it ALL THE TIME. I promise I don't do that a lot. LOL The biggest pet peeve I have with this is when you get a tweet like this: @im_cooler_than_you: Holy cow I'm tired!!! and someone RTs it and just puts +1! I'm sorry if you do this but it drives me INSANE. Like you can't just @ reply them and say "Yo man me too." So freaking annoying.
Another annoying thing with RT'ing is when someone randomly RTs something(usually from a celebrity) that they tweeted like 6 months ago. Like really? Who the hell cares. All it does it make others think that person just recently tweeted and it gets annoying. So chances are you probably shouldn't do it. That also kind of goes with the whole "let's RT the last 9 things the BSB twitter said, the last 7 things Brian tweeted and the last 3 things Howie just tweeted." Let's be real most of us on twitter are on twitter for BSB so chances are we all follow BSB and their individual pages so chances are we seen the same tweets you are just RT'ing to your followers. I'm pretty sure they haven't tweeted something so amazing that all your non-BSB loving friends wanna see. So its pretty pointless.
I also don't understand when you tweet someone(usually happens with celebrities) asking a question and they just RT you and nothing else. Like really? Why not just answer the question? LOL That's also like when someone RT's a tweet and then RT's the same tweet AGAIN to reply to it. It was probably not necessary to RT it in the first place so why waste the time RTing it twice? LOL
And my final issue with the whole RT thing. I see A LOT of fans tweet celebrities(I mostly see it with football players) and they say things like "Can I get a Retweet for being the biggest Buffalo Bills fan in Florida?" And then that certain player RT's them. Like I don't get it. Wouldn't you rather ask them a real question or have them tweet you back "Hi" or something other than just a RT? Maybe its just me but its weird. LOL
And that my friends concludes my thoughts on how I feel about the RT button. I promise this wasn't mean to hurt any feelings, just sharing my opinions. Carry on...