Sunday, August 26, 2012

Mixtape Festival 2012 - My review....

I don't even know where to begin on putting into words all that happened over the weekend that was Mixtape Festival 2012. But here goes nothing...

Before I even made it to mixtape Brian was his ever so adorable self tweeting me to be safe after I told him I was on my way to Mixtape and then telling me he will have his hat. :)

So the first day was a lot of fun even though I mainly went to Mixtape for BSB and they weren't there until the 2nd day.  It rained but that didn't stop us from having our own dance parties in the back when Aaron Carter, Steel Panther, DJ Pauly D and New Kids on the Block performed.

Steel Panther were hilarious. Pretty sure they jacked The Backstreet Boys look from the Just Want you to know video. Brian even agrees!  They even sang a tiny part of "I want it that way" but said they had to stop before they got sued and they couldn't afford it because they only had $10!!! So funny.

New Kids on the Block started the show from the back. So we had an awesome spot for wanting to just chill in the back to begin with.

So now to the good stuff. Day 2 of mxtape. This is where the BBQ,  meeting NKOTB, the Wylee party and NKOTBSB concert happen...

So first its the  BSB BBQ. It was SO much more fun than I anticipated. I really thought it was gonna be a giant mess but surprisingly it was not. The boys decided to pick out tables to hang out and eat. Brian was attempting to come to my table before he caught ADD and served a fan some food and then had to go to the Wylee table to hand out pre-orders.

So while I was standing in line to get my pre-order Brian noticed me and said "nice necklace." and I just smiled & said "Thanks." Then a few minutes later he was like "oh yeah look what I have." and pointed to his hat, again I just laughed. Then he rubbed his facial hair and was like "oh I have some of this too." That's when I really died, not only because I have a weakness for that man when he has facial hair but that's when I knew more than ever he does in fact read ALL my ridiculous tweets. (I was tweeting a few days earlier how I was hoping he'd have facial hair for mixtape. ) So then he said "I was shaving last night and I thought I'd leave this on just for you." I just put my head down and laughed and I am pretty sure I turned about 10 shades of red. hahaha So then he saw that I had my paper for my pre-order in my hand and he was like "Do you really have that paper like I don't know who you are?" And even Leighanne was like "really?" LOL So I get my preorder. We had a little chat about twitter. Won't go into all that because I'm sure it will just cause the haters to hate more BUT its all good because Brian knows they are out there and he doesn't care and neither do I. haha  Then we took a picture. It was funny he put his hand on his head and Steph or Britt(sorry I fail for not remembering who took the picture. LOL) thought he wasn't ready for the picture and he was like "no go ahead this is my pose...its an inside joke but its not on the inside anymore because its all over twitter." (He's so cute) So this was the result:

So after that I was walking away and he was like "Yahtzee27!!!" I was like "uhhhh okay?" LOL
After that I chatted with Leighanne for a little bit. We discussed the day before and the rain and my tweets,ect. I eventually apologized to both Brian and Leighanne for all my ridiculous tweets. They both said it was fine and that they were funny. LOL

Next I went to go see Howie. I got my picture with him but its horrible. I wasn't ready and his eyes were almost closed but that's okay because I love me some Howie D. anyways. I always joke that I wanna put Howie in my pocket because he's little and because I just think it would be fabulous to have him in my pocket if I was having a bad day I could just pull him out and he'd be there to cheer me up. Yeah, I know I'm weird but whatever. So anyways....I told him that at the BBQ. I said "Howie I mean this in the most non-offensive way possible BUT I really just wanna put you in my pocket." He laughed & said "That's awesome, you totally could because I'm short." And I said "Exactly...." then I proceeded to tell him the reasons I wanted him in my pocket.

After that they picked fans to play games with the boys. After they picked for Brian & AJ I gave my ticket away to Jackie so she could have twice the chance to play with Nick, that didn't work out so well though. LOL Then I went to watch Brian play his game. It was some bean bag game. He was funny as usual. Trying to cheat and being all competitive and all that stuff he usually does. LOL

This is one of my favorite pictures because Brian is looking at that bean bag like he's never seen one before in his life. LOL

So fast forward a little bit and its time for us to take our pictures with the boys. We got to go first because we had to leave to go meet NKOTB. So we all line up. I went up to Brian & I showed him my sweet sneakers. He was like "Those are awesome I need to borrow them for the show!' I told him we could trade. Then he asked me if I was going to the Wylee party. (I really wasn't gonna go because I knew there would be 39439 fans there just staring at Brian and taking pics,ect.) So I said "Maybe?" And he said "Maybe? I better see you there!" So I said "yes, sir!!!" (That turned out to be the best decision I think, Thanks Brian. ;) lol) Then I saw AJ's bright orange watch and I said "OMG I love your watch I want it!" Before he said anything I noticed his bright sneakers and said "No wait! I want your sneakers instead!" (I love bright colored things.) I kind of don't remember Howie at this point but I am pretty sure I hugged him. LOL Then I went and hugged Nick and even Q!!! Then we go take the picture.
Love the picture. Even if I wasn't looking at the right camera. But at least I finally have a group picture with people I like and there aren't random people I don't know in it. LOL
So next up its time to meet NKOTB. This was so weird to me because I never met them before so I've just heard stories and stuff. So I went up to Jon first, we hugged and said Hi. Then I went to Donnie and girls were already all around him so I asked for a hug and he tried to reach out to hug me and kissed me on the cheek, it freaked me out a bit because I didn't expect it but at the same time I didn't mind. ;) So then I went to Jordan and asked him for a hug and as he went to hug me Joey started staring at me and it freaked me out a bit so I took my eyes off Jordan and looked at Joey and Jordan got "mad." He was like "Hey you said you wanted a hug so get over here and hug me!"(he was joking but still it was a bit freaky because I'm not used to And then Joey was like "leave her alone she's looking at me!" and then I was looking at Joey and then back at Jordan like "What do I do?" And then Jordan said "do you want a hug or not?" And I said "yes!" so he hugged me. Then I got a hug from Joey and Danny too. I stood near Jordan(I think) for the picture. I also told Joey him and Brian are my favorite bromance. Team Broey! ;)

So then I decided to listen to Brian's orders and I headed to the Wylee party. Thanks again Mary for coming with me. I truly appreciate all the help and just everything during the weekend. :)

There were about 939593 fans all crowded around the Wylee table. I would have liked to have actually seen some of Leighanne's new stuff but that didn't work out so well. But its okay. Brian eventually saw me and said "Hey! You made it!" I was like "Yeah because someone told me to!" Haha Next time I got his attention I showed him my sign I made for the concert. He was like "Oooh that's gonna be easy to find, I'll look for it!"
My sign:

So we left the party went inside to get a spot for the show. I came in towards the end of "The Wanted." They were alright. Then I watched LL Cool J perform. He was good. I was next to like the biggest LL fan on the planet. It was hilarious watching her freak out. LOL

So then it was time for NKOTBSB! It was pretty cool seeing the last show of the this whole joint thing. I know they keep hinting there might be more with both in the future but I am gonna just pretend that I never heard that. I mean don't get me wrong I don't hate NKOTB but I just want my boys back on their own.

The show was amazing as usual. Donnie came out during Get Down. Brian and AJ came out at the end of Please Don't go girl to help Joey out. They all got dramatic like Joey at the end. It was funny. Joey came out during Quit Playing Games, with a phone. Not sure why but it was funny anyways. I love Brian & Joey together. They are cute.

So the time comes for the boys to pick fans so Brian finds me and reads my sign & then walks away, he did it like twice. I was dying inside! I wanted to scream out "JUST PICK ME ALREADY!!!!" LOL So then he came over and was tapping his finger on his chin like he was thinking. I am pretty sure that was like the longest few seconds/minutes of my life. The he pointed to me and told Josh and I went on my way. :)

I don't even know how to put into words how I felt up there. Like I wasn't even so much freaked out because Brian was singing to me but more so because I knew there were SO many people there watching. But it was definitely a moment I will NEVER EVER EVER forget EVER. Having the man you have loved since you were 12 years old sing to you in front of A LOT of people is just an amazing thing honestly i don't think its possible to put what that feels like into words. I like to say "Getting sang to by one of the sweetest men on the planet at the sweetest place on Earth....Doesn't get much better than that....They do say pictures are worth a thousand words so here are some pictures....

Look at that adorable face looking all concerned. He was asking me if I was okay. :)

Just look at that beautiful man singing to me. <3 (may no attention to my awkward faces)

He asked me if I saw the bright lights. I told him I couldn't see anything. He said "Welcome to my world." I think I figured out the real reason he closes his eyes a lot on stage. ;) lol

And look at that adorable smile/laugh. I don't even remember what he was laughing at but its cute. :)

 Smiling face? LOL

It might not have been real but he got down on one knee for me...I'll take it. ;) 

This is seriously probably my favorite picture out of all of them that I have seen so far. I don't think there are enough Thank you's in the world to thank Danielle for this picture. I LOVE it so much. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! (Is that enough credit. ;) lol) But seriously everything about it is perfect. His smile, my smile. The fact you can just tell(at least I can) that they are genuine and real emotions going on in this photo. OK...let me stop I think you get the point, I'm sorry. LOL

His hugs are seriously the best. <3

A HUGE THANK YOU to anyone who took pictures of me on stage. I appreciate them all more than you probably know. :)

So now for the rest of the show. I honestly don't remember them performing "Drowning." Pretty sure I was still floating on Cloud 9. LOL

It was funny for the finale New Kids came out in BSB shirts and BSB came out in New Kids shirts. Brian was trying to look bad ass with his shades and hat. It worked. ;)

Some more pics:

And then it was over.... :(

So the next was the Softball game. Brian was trying to be Superman out there, running all over the field. He really is such a competitor.

After the game we had to find Leighanne because some friends had to pick up more pre-orders only it got a little crazy so Brian ended up leaving. So they had to go to the hotel to get their stuff. We got to chat with Leighanne for a little bit. I love her, she seriously is awesome. Then a little bit after Brian came to chat with us too. It was the PERFECT ending to the PERFECT weekend. I honestly don't think ANYTHING could top this weekend.....EVER! :)

I even tweeted Brian to tell him I was looking at pics of us on stage and how I looked ridiculous but it was okay because he was awesome and he told me I didn't. He's cute. :)

One last note: I got to hang out with some AMAZING people at mixtape. Some I've met before that weekend, others I had only just met but if you were part of it in any way just know that I appreciate it. The boys have brought me some of the best friends in the world. I am truly beyond blessed. :)

1 comment:

  1. awww love it!! soo happy for you getting picked! so glad you had an amazing time as well :)
