Friday, December 14, 2012

Jesus mend this breaking heart of mine....

*Disclaimer: Everything in this blog is just my opinion. Just sharing how I feel on the recent tragedy in the elementary school in CT earlier today and how changes need to be made RIGHT NOW....*

I don't even have children and this whole situation breaks my heart into a million pieces. I can't even imagine what the families who lost someone today, especially a child is going through right now. Or even the children who are okay but were there and witnessed such things and will live with those images and thoughts for the rest of their lives. So terrible. I don't know what would posses ANYONE to kill a bunch of innocent children, it has to take a real sick, sick human being for something like that. But it doesn't make it okay. I don't think its ever okay to end your own life, I think there is ALWAYS some sort of help out there...BUT if you wanna end your life, do it. Don't take innocent lives with you. Such a cowardly thing to do. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved with the whole situation, may they find peace while they move forward and grieve.

But I'm brought to the same thoughts as I think about this horrible event. It's not the first time something horrible has happened that shouldn't have happened and unfortunately its not the last time, but I wish it was. Every time people say "Changes need to be made...." or "We need stricter gun laws..." Or the countless other things that are said after things like this happen. Instead of saying that why not MAKE THOSE CHANGES? I know some are quick to say that changes in gun laws won't help because these monsters will just find other ways to do these things. Maybe, but is it gonna hurt to try? Not at all. If it doesn't work it will be like we are right now. If it does work then good too. Right?

Another thing, these sort of tragedies always seem to end up unfolding the same way. The authorities investigate the killer and find out they were troubled and had a rough life,ect. More times than not there are signs indicating something bad is going to happen. Maybe its time to start holding people more accountable. If you see a friend/co-worker/ect. who doesn't seem to be acting normal or they say something that is out of character or not normal take it seriously, don't just let it go as a joke. Tell someone, sometimes that's all someone wants is help but don't know how to get it fully on their own. Maybe it'll turn out to be a false alarm and just a joke.(Even though these sort of things should NOT be taken as a joke) But a lot of times it doesn't end as a joke, it ends up being serious and so many innocent people are effected. So going to the police or some other adult to tell them something isn't right with someone can make a world of a difference. Maybe all it will take is asking someone how they are doing and actually meaning it. Maybe they will feel appreciated even for that moment and take a second thought about whatever they are going through. Wouldn't hurt right?

If every person who says "Changes need to be made..." or "Something needs to be done..." took the time out to make even a small change of being nice to someone, helping someone out, ect. just imagine how much better off this world could be? Most people say things they wanna do but never put those thoughts into action. Why? A lot of times its because of thoughts like "Well I'm just one person I won't matter." or "I won't count." If every single person who thought like that stopped thinking like that and actually did those things they thought it would really truly make a difference, I sincerely believe that.

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