Friday, August 16, 2013

You left a permanent stain on my heart.... (BSB In a World Like This Tour)

I've lost count on how many times I've seen the Backstreet Boys in concert but no matter how many times I see them its nothing short of amazing. They ALWAYS put on an amazing show and each boy gives 110% of themselves every night! The best part though? Those 5 boys CAN actually sing and do actually sing LIVE. :)

I went to the IN A WORLD LIKE THIS tour in Cleveland, OH. since they didn't come to Buffalo, NY. (You should come next time boys *coughBrianifyouarereallyreadingthiscough* LOL) Holley came to pick me up on Friday and away to Cleveland we went. The show wasn't until Saturday so we just hung out, ate hot pockets and drank nasty wine. Hahaha Saturday we got up to get ready for VIP/SC and the show. Jenny and Adrienne met us at the hotel and then we headed to the venue. We are used to Backstreet time so we waited a little bit to go and Jess tweeted asking where I was. Then Brian needed to get in on it too. He's funny. ;)

For sound check they sang the acoustic set they do during the show (Safest place to hide(a capella), 10,000 promises, Madeleine and Quit Playing Games) and Love Somebody. I like it better when they perform songs not on the set list but it was fun anyways.

Sound Check Pictures:
Sometimes Brian sees me taking a picture and makes a funny face. Oops?

Love having Kevin back. :)

Brian looked like he was in a rap battle with his outfit. LOL

Those boys have such a magical sound when they sing together. :)

Brian wearing my favorite hat. :)

Before pictures I had to go see Brian because he had my Wylee pre-order. He's such a sweet husband helping out his wife. (Check out his sweet Backstreet Boys hoodie. ;) lol) This is when I gave him candy too which later he informed me that he loved it and shared some even though he didn't want to. LOL

Then it was time for pictures. Finally I got a picture I like with just me and all 5 boys. :)

Me and Kevin chatted about my shirt and Buffalo Bills football. Brian told the other boys I was Queen twitter. I told him I was sorry I tweet too much.Haha Seriously though I love these boys so much.

Fast forward and it was time for the show. I had AMAZING seats. I was 2nd row near the little part of the stage. Way better than I thought I'd have.

Brian's son Baylee performed first and let me tell you he is the most precious thing ever. So cute. Definitely following in his daddy's footsteps. Brian was so adorable off to the side watching him perform. You could just see his face glowing with how proud he was.  I wonder how crazy it must be for Brian to have his son open for his group 20 years later. Crazy.

Then it was Jesse McCartney. I was actually pretty impressed with him. He did a good job.

Now for the best part. The boys. I couldn't wait to see the show because they always put on a fantastic show and this one definitely didn't dissappoint.

The start of the show. Loved all the lights and stuff.

Brian always amuses me during "Incomplete." He always looks so bored. Not that I blame him because that songs makes me wanna go to sleep. LOL

Loved seeing the hat dance again after so long with all 5 boys. So cool.

Brian was in front of me pretty much the entire song of "Show 'em(what you're made of) so I just took a lot of pictures. He is just beautiful both inside and outside. Enjoy....

A few more pics:

More than that is my favorite song they do live. SO glad they brought it back was sad it wasn't on the NKOTBSB tour. LOL

 I think Brian was trying to explain to Nick that its okay that he's part muppet but Nick wasn't having it. LOL

Seriously those Kentucky boys are cute. :)

Brian with a guitar is one of the greatest things to ever happen to the world, seriously I am not even joking. Its beautiful. :)

I seriously have a new found love for Kevin. I also am trying to figure out when he got so hot? LOL I played with his hair at the after party and it was so soft and fluffly and fun. I highly recommend doing it. LOL

Howie is just cute and little. I seriously wish I could just put him in my pocket. LOL

Nick muppet dances a lot and I just love it. I would love it even more if he just embraced his inner muppetness and admitted that his real father is Jim Henson. True story.

 AJ is such a sweet heart but let's be real for a moment...he needs to get rid of that small bear on his face. So gross. And his "Trust me" shirt is slightly creepy. LOL

Sweet ROK. <3

Those boys seriously never disappoint. If you are undecided about seeing one of their shows let me help you by saying GO! GO! GO! So much fun and dang can those boys perform. You will LOVE IT I promise because those boys really got it goin on for years. ;)

I am seriously always at a loss for words when it comes to how those boys make me feel especially Brian. I don't know why/how I got so lucky and blessed with all the things I've been able to do because of him/them but I hope he/they know that I love and appreciate every single moment and there aren't enough thank you's in the world to say how thankful I really am for everything they do not just for me but for fans everywhere.


  1. Thank you for such a thoughtful round up,I loved reading it ,you are so lucky seeing the boys so often,and having such a close interaction with them,especially Brian of course,I hope they come to the U.K with this tour,I did see the 2 without Kevin,he used to be my favourite,but I'm a Howie girl now,I like to keep in touch with all they do so thank-you again Amber for all you do.Lynda

  2. I saw them in mi August 8th best concert my life they was a very first concert way back on the black and blue tour I've seen over a hundred artist live since and not one can amount to the in a world like this tour I cried screemed so much I lost my voice and pullee my hair out bsb is officially back
