This was one of my favorite events because there wasn't too many fans there and it was a lot of fun. (It was supposed to be a walk-a-thon then got canceled because there wasn't enough interest because Brian wasn't going to be there then something came up (Howie's dad got sick & they canceled their Africa trip) so Brian was able to be there but they changed it to a bowling event.)
I'm not a good bowler add a Backstreet Boy into the mix and that's even worse. Every time I bowled I made sure to check that Brian wasn't looking in my direction for some reason. I thought I did pretty good but later you'll learn that wasn't the case. ;) Oops?
Someone was obviously excited about seeing Brian. ;) LOL
First game you just went a found a group of 5 or 6 and bowled. 1 fan came from Australia(I think) so she got to bowl on Brian's team. Then they had raffles to win to be on his team as well as Leighanne's team. After the first game they played another game but this time it was in neon lights and they called it "Cosmic bowling.) This time for the raffle I won to be on Brian's team. I was kind of scared though because I know how competitive he can be and like I said before I am not so good at bowling. LOL
Brian was too cool to wear bowling shoes. I even asked him where his bowling shoes were. He said "Shh!! Don't tell anyone I have them over there but I just haven't had time to put them on but I will." Fast forward to a little bit later and Brian walks past me still without bowling shoes on and he says "I hope you didn't tell anyone because I'm still not wearing any." (The moral of the story: He never wore the bowling shoes. LOL)
So in between Brian bowling he would mingle with fans, take pictures, sign autographs,ect. He even was super cute helping Baylee bowl. It was his first time bowling...HE LOVED IT! At one point Brian was playing with some stress reliever balls and we asked him if he could juggle and he was excited about it.
Before he juggled though a fan came over and asked him if he would sign her shirt. So he did. But before he did he didn't know where to put the balls he was about to juggle with. So me being the helpful girl I am I said "Brian, I'll hold your balls..." and it was at that moment that I realized how WRONG that comment sounded. And I NEVER meant it THAT way. I think by the look on my face Brian knew I didn't mean it THAT way either. He cracked up laughing and then said "I'm not even gonna say anything I'm just gonna put them down right here." He then proceeded to sign the girls shirt.
The girl even wanted Baylee's autograph. I thought that was weird but it was cute. Brian called him over he said "Come here Baylee boy." And as Baylee signed the shirt I said "awww that is so cute." And Brian said "Thank you." And I said "I'm talking about Baylee." And he replied with "Well I did help make him." (Oh B-rok. LOL)
A little while later when Brian didn't seem busy me and my friend Melissa went up to him and asked him to talk to our friend Chy on the phone since she couldn't be at the bowling event. He was his ever sweet self and said yes of course. :)
Later I found out I did not do a good job of making sure Brian(or Leighanne) did not ever see me bowl because someone captured this photo. LOL
At least I didn't fall or anything while they were watching. That was a plus. ;)
During cosmic bowling if you bowled a strike you had to find whoever had the beach ball and take it from them. Whoever had the beach ball at the end of the game won a prize. Well Brian bowled a few strikes and he would get excited and say "Where's the beach ball? I need the beach ball?" and a fan would be so quick to go find it for him. Easy work for him huh? LOL
One of the times Brian got a strike he was really excited and I happened to be standing right next to him so he turned to me and gave me a high five. My friend Melissa was there as well she tried to snap a picture of the moment only she didn't catch it in time. Brian seemed a little sad. He said "You missed it didn't you?" And she said "Yes" so he said "Let's do it again!" So we reenacted our high five. Brian even made sure everyone was ready. He said "Ready? 1...2....3....Go!" This time it turned out great. :)
So shortly after they shut down everyone's game. This happened while Brian was talking to my friend on the phone. He looked over at me and said "Hey! What happened to our game?" And I said "I dunno. I think its over?" And he looked all sad and was like "Can you fix it?" LOL We then found out it was past the time and it was time for the raffle prizes and then the meet-n-greet afterwards.
They had a "Bucket of summer fun" as one of the door prizes. I won that. Brian was pretty excited about it. Telling me how I can bring it to the beach and stuff. LOL
Brian had fun with the raffle. He would pick the numbers. He bought a lot of raffle tickets too. If his number ended up being picked he just gave his prize away to a fan.
Brian was looking at all the Wylee stuff like he had NEVER seen it before. This amused me so much. He's crazy. LOL
But his favorite thing I think was the flameless candles. He was so fascinated by them it was hilarious.
He seemed to really enjoy playing with all the prizes and stuff. Even Baylee came and helped pick a few of the numbers.
After the raffle was over with they did a meet-n-greet. You got to talk to Brian(and Leighanne) for a couple minutes and get your picture taken with them. They seriously are the sweetest couple ever.
I made a turtle build-a-bear and asked Brian to sign it and Leighanne did as well. I dressed him up in Atlanta Braves gear. Brian was even nice enough to record a message in it for me. He asked me the turtles name and I told him it was "Thomas the turtle." That didn't matter to Brian though. The message he recorded said: "Hi I'm Freddy the turtle and I like to sing songs real loud." LOL
Then it was over. So another amazing event came to an end. So much fun. And a lot of money was raised for an amazing cause.