Before the show:
The drive was about 4 and a 1/2 hours from Buffalo. I got there at about 11am there were about 15 people already in line, some were there since 4pm the day before...crazy. I was there with my 2 friends but I knew other people in line as well. At about 4 I was supposed to meet Nathan(the promoter) because he promised me a backstage pass. So I went to find him and said "its been pushed back to about 6:45 so come find me at 6:30." So we hung out a little waited til 6:30 went to find Nathan and he said "Now its not going to happen until 8:15" I was like "Dude seriously? is this actually going to happen?" And he said "I promise go down that hall at 8 and I'll be there and so will Brian." So I go inside buy some merchandise and wait until 8. Its finally 8, I go down the hall & wait and run into Guy Walker(Brian's guitar player) We chatted with him for a little bit while we waited. There was only supposed to be 30 people at the meet-n-greet, 3 girls snuck in so they had to be kicked out. One of the girls were FREAKING out and wouldn't leave. It took like 3 security guards to escort her out finally. Then Brian finally came.
Brian looked at the line & saw me and my friends and said "Hey, it's the die-hards." So when it was my turn I went up to Briand and the first thing I said was "Brian! I'm mad at you!" He grabbed me and gave me the biggest hug and while he was hugging me said "You are mad at me why?" I showed him the picture I had of him from seeing him 2 weeks before with the shirt I gave him & said "you totally left this on stage two weeks ago!" And he said "aww I did? I'm sorry."
Then we took a picture. I told him to make a funny face. While we took the picture everyone was laughing so I was kind of scared to see the outcome but I love it.
Then I left and went to find a spot for the show. I could have been front row but gave that up to go backstage and meet Brian.
The show:
My friends manage to save me a spot and I was about 3rd row. The people were insane and pushing and stuff. You would have swore they never saw a Backstreet Boy before.
He did his usual Welcome Home set.(Except "Grace of my life," "In Christ alone" and "Jesus Loves you." He even did "Don't take the girl." He sang a little bit of "Inconsolable."
He mimicked Nick and AJ and even salsa danced like Howie. Someone threw up a doll dressed like Donald Duck so he played with it and talked like Donald and stuff.
And one point he saw me and waved and was like "What's up? Haven't seen you in a while." Then laughed. (I'm guessing because I just saw him backstage. He's a dork.)
One of the stories Brian told us was when he had to go through customs and the lady told him he looked familiar and Brian said "really?" And the lady said "You look like a Backstreet Boy but I can't remember his name." And Brian said "oh yeah I get that all the time." And he was like "Here's my drivers license." And the lady was like "Oh it is you!" and Brian just laughed.
He plays the guitar so beautiful as his band exits the stage.
Then the show was over. Another amazing performance from Brian, as usual.
Hi I'm the Spanish girl, Andrea. I really like reading Brian stories it makes me dream with meeting him some day. Oh can you answere me? Or follpw me on twitter I wrote you yesterday. A kiss from Spain,