Thursday, March 13, 2014

2010 Heatlhy Heart Club carnival, hoe-down and Wylee Party.

This edition of Throwback Thursday blog edition is from Brian's 2010 HHC event. It was 2 days. The first day was a carnival and a hoe-down and then the next day was a Wylee party.

*The Carnival*

The carnival was fun. Brian came out at about 12 to say hey to everyone. He mingled for a bit and then went to the photo booth.
After he took pictures with fans in the photo booth he was supposed to go play basketball with fans but he got sidetracked and painted instead. They kept telling him he needed to go but he was REALLY focused on his painting.
                                                          He was so into his painting.

                                        He is too cool for chairs while painting obviously. lol
                    But if he needs to sit, he'll just kneel on the ground....because he's cool like that. ;)
                                               He ran out of paint on his little paint tray......
                                  So he did what any good painter would do.....used his hands.......
His final product: (well after he showed it off he wrote "Love & Hope" on the top of it.

Going back to the photo booth for a second, when I got in there he told me how it's been a long time since he's seen me and asked me why and told me he didn't like it. LOL He told me how the photo booth worked and how we could do pretty much whatever we wanted and how we could laugh at ourselves at the end. LOL Then we took the pictures. 

                                                         First we took a huggy picture:

                     Then he said to get closer to the camera. LOL
Then he said to make a funny face only I failed and thought we were done making a funny face but I was wrong. LOL
So I told him we had to do the funny picture over and he said "Or we could be gangsters."
We even got a cool little keepsake photo strip. So cute.
He told me how he was having lots of fun with the photo booth and I told him he should get one for his house and he was like "oooh good idea" and  I said "Then you can lots of pictures" and he said "and tweet them!" LOL
Then he went to get the paint off his hands before getting ready to play basketball with fans. He played 2 minutes with each fan. It was so much fun.
I was the first one to play(which I was a little nervous about LOL) And for a little while he was beating me but then I came back and won. He asked me how I did it but I told him it was a secret. LOL I won a horse(and I think everyone else who played after that got the same horse) and he signed it. He signed mine on his butt and was like "I never signed a horses butt before. First time for everything." LOL

He has such an intense look.....
He was trying to show off by shooting from far away. I told him to stop showing off. LOL
Sometimes Brian is a cheater and pushes me. LOL
High five for the winner....that would be me. ;)
He played with a little kid who was like 5 probably and he got on his knees so he was on his level and had 1 hand behind his back, it was cute. He kept helping people and throwing the balls in the fans hoop and stuff.(Although he started that AFTER I played again him. haha) It was a lot of fun. I don't know how he played for as long as he played though, I was tired after 2 minutes. He said he wanted the basketball game too. I said "By the end of the day you are gonna wanna keep all the games." He was like "I think so." LOL
Then he went to get changed to go into the dunk tank but got sidetracked into the photo booth for the 2nd time. And after that he finally made it to the dunk tank.
Baylee was the first one to do it and he dunked him.
He was a lot of fun in there singing and dancing and talking smack and just being his usual dorky self.  
Leighanne called it "Dunk a Hunk." LOL
So after that he thanked everyone and said he'd see us later for the Hoe-down.
When we got there we waited outside for a little while because they had to finish sound checking. They finally let us in. They said a prayer, then served food. A group called "Simple Alliance" performed. The guitar player Alex's dad is Baylee's pediatrician. And they were about to sing BSB songs when Brian jumped on stage and sang with them. They sang IWITW and LTL. The group was really good. The lead singer Taylor was only 12 years old. It was one of the best performances of Larger Than Life I thought.
Then  Brian and Leighanne were thanking everyone for coming and Madison(their niece and director of the HHC) came on stage to tell us how they changed the name of the HHC to "Just Ask." And the reason they did that is because its not just about Brian's Healthy Heart Club anymore since now they have Baylee's blessings(which is for Kawasaki's research) and the Angels and Heroes fun. So now if you need any help with anything all you have to do is "just ask" and if they can't help you they'll help you find out someone who can.
Brian gave flowers to Leighane and said how he's blessed to have her in his life and how she makes his life so great and she wouldn't be in his life if he didn't "just ask" her out and then to be his wife. Cheesy, but cute. :)
He saw my friend taking a picture get the
Then a little while later Brian came out and performed "Angels and Heroes" and "Welcome Home" I think he might have planned on singing BSB songs but the group before him did and since he sang with them he said "Well I already got the BSB songs outta the way earlier..."

And then he was gonna sing another song when Baylee ran on stage and asked Brian if he could perform. So Baylee sang "I want you back" and Brian was like "I'm just gonna grab my drink and go off to the side...."

But of course Brian couldn't stay off stage. He came back and sang with Baylee. It was cute. Every time Brian would sing Baylee would sing louder. It was funny. Brian was such a proud daddy watching him perform.
After that Brian and Leighanne came out and sang "Run to you" and "Need you now" by Lady Antebellum. They were cute together. Leighanne was really nervous and Brian was cute with her telling her it was okay and he would help her out any time she didn't remember the lyrics or something.

It was Leighanne's first time performing live in front of people and I think she did fabulous.
After they performed they came back out and a lot of people did more square dancing. Brian and Leighanne were funny square dancing. Brian also joined in for a little bit doing the Macarena. LOL And they even did the Hokey Pokey....sometimes they were getting a little frisky while doing the hokey pokey but according to Brian "that's what its all about!!!!!!!!!!!" ;) haha
Brian and Leighanne danced with the fans to Backstreet's Back and Larger Than Life, during Larger Than Life Baylee got on stage and took the mic and started singing, it was cute. Brian was doing the dance moves and stuff. It was funny.

At the end fans were trying to get pics with Brian and the one lady kept telling him he had to go and he kept saying "one more, one more..." LOL
Earlier in the hoe-down Brian was on stage and he started doing the "As long as you love me" chair dance and I told him he reminded me of the video with his hat on and he thought I told him I wanted his hat so he said "you want my hat? can I give it to you later?" and I said "That's not what I said but if you wanna give me your hat I won't be mad." LOL So then he was like "Can I give it to you later?" And I said sure. So at the end I went to say good bye to Brian and he was like "Oh wanted my hat....can we just take a pic while I'm wearing the hat and I'll give it to you tomorrow?" And I said "Yeah, I didn't really want the hat anyways." Then he told me the reason he was waiting was because it was Baylee's favorite hat and he wanted to ask him if it was okay to give it away and I said "Its okay I don't need it." LOL He's funny.
*Wylee Party*
The next day was the Wylee party. There were wayyyyyyy too many people in that room I felt. LOL But for the most part it was pretty chill and Brian just walked around talking with fans and stuff. He also kept leaving to go back home to get more Wylee stuff when they needed it. LOL
They auctioned off the painting Brian did along with the white shirt he wore while painting. I forgot how much money it went for.
At the Wylee party is where I gave Brian the gift I made him and Leighanne. I attempted to give it to them both at the same time but they weren't together often that day. So I gave it to Brian. He loved it. He told me he was gonna hang it up in his studio. (Still waiting for that pic you promised Brian if you are reading this. ;) LOL) And then asked me how I made it and was pointing to all the little pictures and telling me where they were from. He was like "oh this is from the Inconsolable video and this is form Halloween last year." Then I told him how I made it and he thought it was really cool.
I don't have the picture anymore to show but its called a Mosiac picture. Its one giant picture made up of a bunch of tiny pictures and I used pictures of their family. It was really cute. :)
At the Wylee party I got a few minutes to talk to him and asked him about the guy boycotting him on twitter. And he said he knew about it(which I figured he did) and he said that's why he tweeted the thing about having a pocket full of rocks but not throwing any. And how he doesn't think its gonna effect his next CD because God is in control of it. And he has a lot of gay friends and he doesn't necessarily condone what they do but what they do doesn't make them any less of a person than him or anyone else. And he has no right to judge them and he knows he has a place in heaven and God will be waiting for him. And how it says in the bible if you are gay you will go to hell but he was like "I didn't write that scripture did I?" and I told him how I think its great that he is how he is and he does his own thing and stands up for what he believes in.
Then I told him how he should write a book some day. He said "Oh yeah I'd love to." And I told him I think it would be cool if he just told it like it was in the book. He laughed and said "I'd love to sit down and write a book later, when I get more time." And he said "I'd call the book 4 to 6 feet because that's how tall the stage is." (That's the same title he mentioned way back in like 2000 too.)
He was talking about how the guys have talked about revisiting some older songs to possible record again. (Which they've said that in the past and nothing ever happened.) I mentioned how I love "All in my head" and he said "I BEGGED them to put that on the record, that song is dope."
This part will only really be funny and make sense for those who know my love for football and Coy Wire.....
When I was saying good bye to Brian he saw my Falcons shirt and was like "Ooh look at you in your Falcons gear, I wonder how they did today?" And I said "They won." And he was like "oooh nice" and I said "Unlike my favorite team who still hasn't won a game yet." And he said "Who?" And I said "The Buffalo Bills." He sounded so concerned He was like "Oh wow they haven't won yet?" And I said "nope but that's okay because I root for the Atlanta Falcons too because my favorite player plays there now." And he said "Who?" and I said "Coy Wire, you don't know who he is but I bet he knows who you are." And he said "What position does he play?' And I said "Linebacker" and I showed him a picture on my phone and he was like "Oooh 52? I know who that is, well I don't know him personally but I know them by #'s." And then I told him how I told Coy to listen to his CD because I think he would like it and Brian thought that was awesome.
After the event I tweeted how I was amused I talked to Brian about Coy and Coy RTed my tweet and said "so are we laying down a track together?" It was funny. LOL
And that was the end of the event. It was an amazing 2 days with the Littrells. Their events never disappoint. :)

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