Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The wonderful world of twitter.....

I have a love/hate relationship when it comes to twitter. Lately its more on the side of hate. Some people are just sucking the fun out of it. And it's unfortunate. That is my reason for this blog. Mostly just to get some things off my chest that have been bugging me for a little while now. Everything in this blog is MY opinion and doesn't speak for anyone else other than myself. Just an FYI....

So when I signed up for twitter back in 2009 or so it was because the Backstreet Boys got one and they told fans to sign up. Eventually all the boys got individual ones. It was a fun place to chat about the boys with other fans and I never thought it was meant to be taken seriously. Were other things discussed besides the boys? Most definitely? But for me personally it was like a whole other world besides real life in a sense. I tried not to post personal things or real life relationship stuff. Why? Because I didn't think twitter was the place for it. There was Facebook for that, or even better real life. If it was about my real life chances are I wanted someone in real life to chat about it with. Plus it wasn't something that could be said in 140 characters or less....did I do occasionally? Yes. Does this mean what I was tweeting wasn't me? Or was fake? Hardly. It just meant I wasn't comfortable sharing everything with what would appear to be complete strangers until you take the time to get to know them. Is there anything wrong with that? Not at all.

My twitter is mostly filled with tweets to/about Brian from the Backstreet Boys and the rest of the boys mixed in with some football stuff added with a bit of positive quotes/thoughts and a dash of sarcasm and obnoxiousness. Nothing I ever thought was too harmful. Does that mean my whole world revolves around only those things? Not at all. Does it mean my life revolves around Brian and the Backstreet Boys? Hardly. Do some think that though? Most definitely. Why? Because they choose to assume and judge instead of just asking. Just asking a simple question or getting to know someone a little bit can do a world of difference and you would be surprised at what you may learn. Maybe you would find out that the person you think is horrible isn't really that horrible at all.

Anyways, this has been going on for a while but it has seem to be getting way worse lately. SOME fans get mad that Brian doesn't tweet them and only tweets the same fans. Is that true? Maybe so. But is that the fans fault? Hardly. Brian is a grown man he can tweet whoever he wants how many times he wants and what he wants. It is next to impossible for ANY of the boys to tweet EVERY SINGLE FAN that wants a tweet. I hear fans say how much Kevin is better than Brian because he tweets  bunch of fans even ones he doesn't follow. Does that make him better than Brian? No. Maybe it makes him a little more fair. But the fact that ANY of the boys take time out of their busy lives especially when they are at home and aren't "working" to tweet any fan or tweet anything in general I think is awesome because guess what? They don't have too!!!!! Saying you aren't a fan of them anymore because of their actions on twitter is just not right. I mean yeah you have a right to your own opinion but I think its silly to be mad at them for that. Its just twitter, its not that serious. Brian has even said a bunch of times tweeting negative things will NOT get his attention, not that I blame him but he's said it so what do you think is gonna happen if you constantly tweet mean things to him? Chances are he's not gonna reply.

Now I know for some fans twitter is the only way to get any of the boys to notice them even if its just for that moment because they can't afford concerts or they don't come their country/city/state/ect. But getting mad at fans who do get tweets whether its 1 or 101 is just silly. Being a fan isn't a competition. Whatever happened to the good old days of being happy for one another when something good happens? Guess those days are long gone and that really saddens me. The same when fans get mad that some fans see the boys a lot. Now I know US fans tend to be a bit more spoiled when it comes to them. But just because other countries don't get to see the boys as much doesn't mean the fans in the US shouldn't go see them. If they can afford it and they wanna go, I say go for it. Hating on fans for the amount of times they see the boys is just uncalled for in my opinion. I just don't understand it at all.

Another thing I see a lot is SOME fans complaining that other fans are bragging or showing off. Does this happen? Absolutely. Are all fans who are sharing their experiences/moments bragging or showing off? Absolutely not. There is a RIGHT way of sharing experiences and a wrong way. Now I can only speak for myself when it comes to my reasoning. But I do NOT share them just to brag. I share them firstly because they are my moments and they make me happy. Who wouldn't be happy when good things happen to them? So its only natural that you'd wanna share them. Nothing wrong with that. The other reason I share them is to show fans that it IS possible to meet the boys and it IS possible for them to remember you and it IS possible for your dreams involving the boys to come true. I'm just a regular fan like everyone else and because of the boys(especially Brian) they have made SO many of my dreams come true, things I NEVER knew were possible. So if they can happen to me they can happen to ANYONE you just gotta BELIEVE and NEVER give up on your dreams....EVER!

I've gotten countless amount of hate tweets sent to me just because of Brian. It's crazy. I tend to just ignore them for the most part but even the nicest person can only bite their tongue for so long until it starts to bleed. Today was the breaking point if you will. Fans(well one fan started it) getting mad Brian unfollowed her because she "spoke the truth" in her words and then she went off on a rant about me and some of my friends saying all this horrible stuff about how we are stalkers and how we buy Wylee and that's the reason Brian and Leighanne pay attention to us. And how comparing us to the killer of John Lennon. And THAT'S where I got frustrated. Comparing this twitter nonsense to someone actually losing their life? That is by far uncalled for. It's sad that it has really come to this. And honestly I'm sick of it. Not only that but I'm sick of all the drama and the hating. Fans thinking fans only like Wylee or Leighanne to make Brian happy? Please. Do I know of Leighanne and Wylee because of Brian? Yes. But if I didn't like Leighanne I wouldn't fake it, sorry but that's dumb. I like her because I think she's one of the nicest, funniest, kindest people I ever have met. Same with Brian actually. Do I like Wylee? Yes. Are there some things I don't like? You bet. Do I like it just so Brian will notice me or like me better? Not even a little bit.

It's sad that some think that. Just like its sad that people worry about what anyone else tweets, or why they tweet or who they tweet or how much they tweet. So if someone sits on twitter ALL DAY and tweets is that really hurting anyone? Chances are no. So why does it matter to you? If more people just worried about themselves and didn't worry about what others were doing on twitter or life in general this world would be a better place. Just saying.

This also goes for the fans who seems to watch what others tweet. It seems the minute I tweet something even slightly negative about anyone especially one of the boys there is ALWAYS someone who is right there to jump on me and flip out about it. But it seems like those ones never wanna point out the good things. I've helped a bunch of fans get tweets/follows/meet the boys/ect. but it seems like those things go unnoticed. Do I do them to get recognition? No. I do it because I know what its like to meet them for the first time or to get a tweet or whatever else. But it just bugs me that SOME fans are so quick to point out the negative but hesitant to give praise for the positive. That happens in real life as well. A wise man once said "Happiness doesn't sell." And that couldn't be more truer. So sad.

So the reason for this blog was to just vent a bit about twitter. I wish it would be fun again. And until it is I don't think I will be on there at all or at least not as much. I know by me doing this its like the ones hating or talking crap are the ones winning but after a while it's just not worth it anymore. So I guess we will see how things go from here.....

1 comment:

  1. Bravo hun! What you said is exactly what I have been saying all along! I remember when I was on the 2013 BSB Cruise & even b4 the cruise everyone was talking so much crap about you & I was very upset by that! Reason why is because it was people who run their mouths 24/7 who talk bs about others. People need to stop judging others & 2 take a look in the mirror & look at what they see! I understand where you aare coming from & this blog is very well-spoken & it speaks the truth! I don't judge people. I like everyone & I am very nice & friendly. But I dislike some people because of how they are & how they carry themselves. I did had an experience with you when we were in the same elevator on the 2013 BSB Cruise & you said hello to me & was very polite & I smiled & said hello back smiling! I wanted to introduce myself but I didn't you to think I was weird & 2 make it be an awkward moment! I am very shy at times & sometimes afraid 2 speak up 2 people I meet but I feel very bad because I misses out on getting 2 know you & making a new fan! I enjoy talking & meeting new people but I wish I had the courage to conversate with you & getting 2 know you & wish I spoke with you like I wanted 2! I'm sorry 4 missing out on talking & getting 2 know you! I wish I can go back in time 2 do so! I do apologize again! I may not know you personally but I know that you are a sweet, caring, kindhearted & polite human being & those who talk crap can go kick rocks as they wish to be you & that they need to be themselves! I except anyone no matter what race, nationality, gay, straight, bi, etc. I like everyone 4 who they are! I hate fakes & phonies & have no tolerance 4 them as I push & keep them far away 4rm me! I don't know you but I'd like to get to know you as we are apart of the bestest Backstreet Family in the whole universe! I don't like drama & dislike those who cause it & those are our haters! Haters will never get anywahere in life & people like us will always be way & high above them all & will always be as they keep sinking into the ground! Just always remembers hates are low lives & that we ars in high in life & that our greatness is what everyone loves about us! Thank you for posting hun as you are inspiration to me! Your Backstreet Soldier Sister, Christina :-)
